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We’re the experts in enzymatic solutions. How can we help you?

SternEnzym has been developing enzymes and enzyme compounds for the food industry since 1988. These active ingredients can save energy, reduce environmental impact and even cut production costs for food manufacturers. More enzyme functions are being discovered everyday and with that, the potential applications for enzyme systems in food production are limitless.

Enzyme functions

Enzymes are proteins that act as biocatalysts. They can slow down, speed up and even prevent specific chemical reactions. In enzymatic processes, there is little or no risk of unintentional side reactions since each enzyme fits only one substrate—like a key in a lock.

Enzyme systems are currently used in many food production processes. Some raw materials that had to be broken down by chemical reactions can now be hydrolysed by enzymes. This greatly reduces energy requirements and cuts down production costs.

Biscuit Background

Did you know?

Sodium metabisulphite is widely used for preserving food and beverages. In cracker production, it makes dough more pliable and improves dough machinability. However, it can cause severe health problems when inhaled.

We created Sternzym BK, a tailor-made enzyme that serves as a substitute for sodium metabisulphite and other chemical reducing agents. Sternzym BK promotes the browning of biscuits by the use of amylase.

SternEnzym applications


Dextran is a by-product of sugar production and is often called a contaminant because it elevates the viscosity of the sugar juice, fouls plumbing, and lowers the overall sugar yield.
But by deploying enzyme systems in sugar production, manufacturers can hydrolyse dextran to lower the viscosity of the sugar solution and even increase sugar crystallisation to enhance sugar quality.

Baked goods

Biscuits that stay crisp and cream fillings that don’t harden—these dreams become achievable goals with the use of enzyme systems in crackers and wafers.
Enzyme systems can inhibit the hardening process in marzipan or rum balls, and even lower the viscosity of batter to shorten the baking time for wafers. This in turn reduces energy consumption.

Alcoholic beverages & cereal drinks

Enzyme systems in alcohol beverages can enhance the quality of the overall product and even create cost efficiencies in the manufacturing process. Enzyme applications in beer manufacturing for example, can result in more stable foam, reduced cloudiness, less malt required in production and also less time required for beer maturity.


Enzyme systems in sweets help to ensure confectionery always tastes fresh even if preparation takes place weeks in advance. Sweetase extends the shelf-life of sweets by splitting readily crystalising saccharose into simple sugars. It also binds water to prevent marzipan and fondant from drying out, leaving them smooth and pliable.

Dairy products

Many Asians are lactose intolerant and this condition tends to worsen in old age. To satisfy consumer demand for dairy whilst avoiding the uncomfortable symptoms from undigested lactose, consider the application of enzymes in dairy products such as dairy beverages, yoghurt, and cheese.

Meat and fish products

Improve the overall quality and lower the production cost of popular products such as fishballs, crab sticks, and chicken nuggets with our enzyme system products. They can also be used to tenderise meat, improve flavour, and even assist in seafood processing—for instance descaling and deskilling fish or peeling shrimp.
SternEnzym Background

We design enzymes for you

Every customer is different. We therefore approach enzyme design with research tailored to the specific requirements of each challenge. As pioneers of enzymatic solutions for food, we pride ourselves on continuously developing new strains of micro-organisms for enzyme production.

Our modern enzyme laboratory at the Stern-Technology Center in Germany works closely with the Hamburg University of Technology, the University of Greifswald, independent institutions, and biotech startups to lead industry innovation.

Let’s design enzymes together!

Explore the leading edge of food science with enzymatic solutions. Drop us a message to discuss using tailor-made enzymes in your food production today.

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